100 | 100 Clubs

Important Information You Want to Know

Worldwide, Lions clubs proudly support the mission of Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF). LCIF's mission is to support the efforts of Lions clubs and partners in serving communities locally and globally,giving hope and impacting lives through humanitarian service projects and grants.
Make a commitment to support the foundation that empowers so much of your service by becoming a 100 | 100 Club, a club in which 100% of members individually contribute a minimum of US$100 each year to LCIF.

As a 100 | 100 Club, your club will eagerly :

  • Lead the way and inspire other clubs to do the same.
  • Encourage monthly giving - a minimum of US$8 per month from each member.
  • Promote recogition through our Lions Share Program at the two-star(US$100) and three-star (US$200) levels
  • Raise funds through various strategies, including asking all individuals members to make a gift or pledge
  • Support LCIF causes and dedicate itself to our foundation as part of its service.

Frequently asked questions:

What is a 100 | 100 Club?

A 100 | 100 Club is club that supports LCIF through 100% member participation at a minimum level of US$100 per memeber, per year - only US$8 each month. These clubs also:

  • Encourage greater participation from clubs in their district and multiple district.
  • Accelerate Campaign 100 momentum and help ensure our campaign's success.

What are some effective fundraising strategies for 100 | 100 Clubs?

  • Promote personal giving and pledging from members.
  • Promote monthly giving. A gift of as little as US$8 per month from each memeber qualifies a club.
  • Promote recognition through the Lions Share Program at the two-star(US$100) and three-star (US$200) levels.

How can personak gifts be made?

  • One-time gifts can be made online at lionsclubs.org/donate or mailed to LCIF, Department 4547, Carol Stram, IL 60122-4547 USA.
  • Monthly donations can be made at lionsclubs.org/donate by credit card or through direct withdrawal from your bank account (ACH).
  • Pledges can be paid over three to five years, depending on pledge amount. This enables donors to give more than what might be possible witth a one-time donation.
  • Will 100 | 100 Clubs receive special recognition?

    Yes! Clubs that achieve their goal will be recognized at the end of every fiscal year based on commitements and on cash received. Recognition will include a banner patch; certificate; and recognition in newsletters, on social media, and at district, multiple district, and international conventions.

    What else is important to know about bein a 100 | 100 CLub?

    Please keep in mind that :
    • 100 | 100 is an annual recognition.
    • Only individual member contributions count toward achievement.
    • Each member must contribute at least US$100 each year to achieve - and then maintain - 100 | 100 Club status.